
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Makes Sense

Today and tomorrow is the Fete Jeanne d'Arc in Rouen. Joan of Arc was executed here, and now, five hundred years later, she's pretty big. The festival is part medieval festival--with medieval food (though not actually made in medieval times) and crafts demonstrations. There's a little religion, with a mass honoring Joan of Arc in Notre Dame tomorrow, and flowers will be thrown into the Seine where her ashes were thrown. And then there's just normal festival stuff: bands, people selling stuff, that sort of thing.

A medieval festival makes a lot more sense here, somehow. I had a moment, walking around the festival, where I looked up and there was this giant cathedral, this huge building that was around when a lot more people dressed like this. So look, but don't look too close.

A how-do-I-eat-this moment

I did some clothes shopping today (although is it really shopping if I didn't buy anything?) at C&A. It was another confirmation, though, that my search for the perfect pair of pants is, in fact, an endless one. I had fun trying things on, at least.

I feel like I should be well camouflaged. Somewhere. A newspaper office, perhaps.

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