
Sunday, August 5, 2012


Already a couple of weeks ago, I went on an adventure that I've been meaning to write about. The Spanish school where I'm taking classes arranged for those who wanted to go take some canoes through some mangroves*.

We all got on a bus, and our first stop was for a nice lunch by a beautiful beach.

 Then we walked through the little village where the bus dropped us off, and got in some canoes.

 And then we were off!

I don't think I was the only one who thought we were going to be paddling the canoes. Turns out the guides were in charge of that, and used poles to push us along Venetian-style.

The mangroves were beautiful. We saw some little crabs, anchovies, and lots of different birds along the way (the water where the mangroves grow is sea water, not fresh water). It all made me feel very adventuresome and nature-y.

*I've always thought the word "mangrove" was actually really funny. I think it should mean something like what I chose for the title. I don't think it actually does, though. 

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Hehehehe, mangroves. You are such a cutie! I love reading about your adventures.