Christmas 1997: I was ten years old, and listed every single gift I got that year in my journal. Here is (most of) that entry, complete with original spelling. I hope you enjoy it.
Dec. 25 '97
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was maby the best Christmas I have ever had, I say that every year. The whole family got a fuse ball table. I also got all my gifts: TWO mini Doddle Bears, a "Tote 'n teddy," a bear in a plastic shiny bag, Addy's Christmas (not from Pleasant Company, but same fabric and everything else [almost]), My Christmas PJ's were Addy's nightgown, a tambrine for dance (it is so pritty!), four spools of ribbon that I used to tie on the tambrine, a pair of shoes for Addy, a calgrife set, a box of crayons, Addy's Ice Cream Frezzer a 20$ gift certificate for Gap, an American Girl CDrom for makeing plays, I pair of darling piggie slippers ... stocking: a magnet wheel toy, stickers, a grow dino, tornato tube, two sets trading cards, and a paint pen, mormen adds. Two things that were not in my stocking, but that I forgot: a bractlet bead loom, and a years subscription two the magazine "Cricket." At 3:00 we went to Tanya's and Nancy's house. We all played on the moon shoes she got, even mom and dad! Tanya's big present was a geco .... What I got every body: Dad: three dark green bathtowls and three dark green wash cloths. Mom: a Christmas tape. Emmy, shower gell, a little soft plastic shower ball to rub gell on, and roll-on lip gloss.
Adorable, Carrie! I know where all of my journals are EXCEPT for my first one from 10 years have inspired me to find it, somehow.
My FAVORITE part is just the word ""tambrine." :)
Merry Christmas!
Oh, that was from Natalie :)
Sorry for this excessive commenting, but I had to say that I TOO had the american girl play-making computer game...THAT WAS SO AWESOME. I remember all the cool sound effects, etc...that thing was amazing. -nat
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