...to help Bush find bombs to decry that actually exist.
It turns out the Iranians aren't plotting to blow us up after all. News recently broke that according to the National Intelligence Estimate (I don't know what that is, but it sounds very official), Iran halted its nuclear-weapons program in 2003. HALTED ITS NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM IN 2003. This week's Time (headline: "Now They Tell Us?") neatly timelined-out quotes from Bush and others about Iran's aggression towards the US...their serious pursuit of nuclear weapons...WWIII....
To be fair, NIE estimate is "moderately sure." Or "mostly positive." Or "Yeah, I think so." Something like that. What is that on our color-coded terrorist scale? Violet?
All this sounds somewhat familiar--namely one of Bush's big reasons for going to Iraq, that is, his claim that they had weapons of mass destruction. His claim despite the lack of evidence from UN weapons inspections and Hans Blix (who, according to the picture in my mind, is an avid skier and is fond of wearing scarves).
So here I offer my solution to these befuddling unfindable-weapon situations. I here officially launch the Bombs for Bush campaign: A plea to the international community to help Bush find bombs to decry that actually exist.
The bomb part of the image comes from http://www.303rdbg.com/bombs1.jpg.
If we donate to this campaign before Christmas, does BFBC provide gift cards or possibly lapel pins to let recipients know of the gift in their honor?
Please let me know where to send the check.
You do realize, don't you, that some conservative think tank is going to find this post, run with it, and then where will we be?
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