
Thursday, December 6, 2007


About BYU students: They view the Honor Code as empowering, because it allows them to focus on their studies and wholesome recreation without distraction.

This is from a caption on the welcome page of BYU's website. If that doesn't shout "we are drones!" I don't know what does. "Empowering" isn't a word I would use for the general sentiment of BYU students towards the Honor Code. I have no problem with following it. But empowering? Hmm.


Caroline said...

Oh, Carrie. It's stuff like this that just confirms to me why we are friends in the first place. I vote you ditch that school and come play with me in D.C. Deal? Deal.

clyteegold@gmail.com said...

Go Carrie. I laughed out loud. I am in DC (like the comment before me, how odd), but couldn't quite explain my laughter to Kathy who is sitting beside me. I love you.