
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I have a group of friends from elementary school, and we still get together. Our most recent hang-out happened this week, and one of us talked about bragging about having a group of friends from elementary school. I think it is brag-worthy.

I also think it's interesting to look at where we are in life (a few things have changed since third grade). So here's a figurative snapshot of where we are now:

Living in Utah: 3 of 4
Married: 2 of 4
Bachelor's degree: 4 of 4
Returned missionary: 2 of 4
Graduate degree: 1 of 4
Working in her field: 4 of 4 (Our respective fields being graphic design, fashion, international development, and foreign language education)
In or looking to transition to a new job in said field: 3 of 4
Living with parents: 2 of 4

And here's a literal snapshot:

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