
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year is Dying in the Night

I love New Year's. It's one of my favorite holidays--a time to look back on what you've done and to look ahead towards a fresh, clean start. Before officially looking ahead, though, I wanted to make a quick list of some of the things 2012 brought (in no particular order):

  • Survived my first year teaching and started my second
  • Traveled to Canada
  • Traveled to Colombia
  • Started grad school
  • Presented at a professional conference
  • Celebrated Hanukkah
  • Learned some salsa dancing
  • Learned some African drumming 
  • Re-did my bedroom (I'll post about this sometime)
  • Got an iPod touch
  • Broke the screen on my iPod touch
  • Got a new nephew 
  • Picked up archery 
  • Got bangs

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