
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Soneto I

I was going through some papers yesterday and found a sonnet I wrote for a Spanish literature class a few years ago. I had totally forgotten about it, but after I read it I thought it wasn't half bad. So I'm putting it up here. Just as a disclaimer, though: I started learning Spanish in 2005, and wrote this in 2007. There are a couple lines where I'm not even sure what I was saying.

Also, for some context: For about two years, I lived just down the street from Rock Canyon trail head. I would go up there pretty regularly, and got to see the canyon year-round.

Soneto I, o, Hoy fui a caminar en las montañas y vi que las hojas han comenzado a cambiar

17 de septiembre 2007

Cada semana a las montañas he ido

Verano, otoño, inverno, primavera

Buscando el cielo y olor de madera

Las caminatas y el tiempo han fluido.

Hace veinte años ya que yo he vivido—

Este número no cupo cuando era

nuevo en mi boca aunque una cifra es huera.

Mientras las estaciones he subido.

Es el viento que, como un cumpleaños,

cambia; viene otra estación bellida.

Me saciaría tener ochenta años;

Veinte cuatro veces hace una vida.

Sol, nieve blanca, y tiempos extraños

Cada estación es mi preferida.

And because I still think it's clever, here's the same assignment from the equivalent French literature class Well, nearly. Apparently we were assigned to write a poem in a different form and not a sonnet. (Does anyone know what it is? I don't.) Also, this time we were given a topic: food.

I've posted this before--if you've already read it, please ignore.


Le mâle d’araignée survive pas la veuve

Et un têtard (parfois) mangerait son voisin

La version animale ce n’est pas le preuve—

Le cannibalisme, c’est aussi pour l’humain.

En Nouvelle-Guinée, ils ont la pratique

L’expédition Donner, ils l’ont fait dans le froid

Quoiqu’on préfère un cœur, le cerveau, j’explique :

C’est anthropophagie—c’est dangereux, parfois.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh, we forgot to walk canyon places!

(Helpful hint: if you click on my name, you'll find my blog!)