So, the last month or so has been stressful. I had no idea it would take up pretty much all my time to come up with lesson plans. It's taxing to be constantly examined as well, constantly getting "feedback." I've had some other odds and ends to work on at BYU, too, and then my computer crashed. It is fixed but still not back to normal...
I was feeling pretty negative about life but decided I need to try to be more positive. So I'm including a few things that have made me happy recently.
- "Shampoo" by Elvis Perkins. I listen to a lot of music lately. Sometimes loud, and at wee hours of the morning to keep me awake. This song came up on Pandora the other day, and I have been obsessed with it since then. I don't know why. And don't ask me what it means. I don't think that's the point. (Hope it isn't!)
- Mates of State. Along the music theme, I discovered this last night from the band. Mates of State is a husband and wife team, they quit their jobs as a cancer researcher and elementary school teacher to be independent rock stars full time. I also took a look at this group's blog last night--I read it every few months or so. It just delights me that one post will be about finishing an album or a big tour, and then the next is about what to do with kids all day when everyone's snowed in or making Halloween costumes. They're a family, and just happen to be rock musicians, too.
- Reading the good word. Honestly, sometimes it's harder to stay consistent with scripture and gospel study than it is at other times. Lately, it's just been a pleasure to read. Something that's been especially beneficial lately is Richard G. Scott's October 2010 talk "The Transforming Power of Faith and Character."
- Doctor Who. Should I admit this? During last Summer term, one of my roommates convinced me to sit down and watch an episode with her. It took convincing, too--I remember the older version coming on late at night on PBS and it really freaking me out. The newer series have just been fun to watch--though if I do alone late at night with all the lights turned off, I find myself looking over my shoulder when the episode finishes and I walk down the dark hall to bed...
Wait, wait, what about skipping home from school at 3:00 and having the rest of the afternoon off? :)
Thanks for the links to the songs! I'm always on the lookout for new music.
I wish I could watch Doctor Who with you!
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