
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Letter from 2 April 2009


Another good week--I hope for all of you, too.

On Saturday, we had a marathon lesson with Shin Dong oon and her neice and nephew. We've been meeting them for maybe two months now, but had a good chunk of material to cover in one night so that they could be interviewed for baptism on Sunday. Sunday we went to their house with two of the elders, and waited as Shin Dong oon and her nephew were interviewed (her neice will be later this week).

I worry a bit about how much they understand about what we taught. I worry that maybe they don't understand with baptism, they're making a promise about how they are going to live...that it's not just an action that happens once and is over. I have been learning a lot about baptism over the past few years and especially past few months, and I guess...realizing I understand it a bit better I'm also realizing there's a lot I don't understand. And that not understanding is okay as long as we keep learning.

We had a similar lesson on Friday with Song Bo mi (not Song Bom ee like we thought), who is going with this group to Fiji, and also anxious to get baptized. We met along with a church member, Kim Hyon jin. She's two years younger than I am and thinking about going on a mission. She is beautiful, studies law at university, always brings bread or a treat when she comes and teaches with us. She wants to serve at Temple Square in Salt Lake if she goes--but if she goes or not, she's a missionary.

A wonderful one. Sunday we had an activity with the ward and some members came and talked to people on the street with us. I grabbed her and got her to come with me. Her enthusiasm was a lot of fun--handing pamphlet after pamphlet to people who would stand still long enough for her to talk to them. And on Friday after that lesson, Sister Bang and I were walking back to the subway, Kim Hyon Jin to the bus. Chatting--mostly her and Sister Bang. And when we were parting ways, she grabbed my arm and said something about getting some dok to eat. We had to get back to our apartment by 9:30.

But I would have liked to.

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