
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shopping Revelations

Today I was working on an assignment in the library. I was on a computer in Periodicals, and had to move to be by the books I needed access to. I sat down at the new computer, and when I touched it, noticed instantly how dirty it was. (Isn't that on the list of jobs for custodial workers? Clean the keyboards? And door knobs? I really don't think it is.) I then picked up the mouse and wiped it off on my shirt.

I wiped off the mouse.

This evening, I went to buy some groceries. I was at the self checkout, filling my reusable bags with my groceries, when an item wouldn't scan. An employee came over to help. "Are those the organic granny smith apples?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, as a an image of what I just might be becoming flashed through my mind--a fussy Niles Crane type who carries a handkerchief to wipe off computer mouses and who won't touch disposable plastics. Have I mentioned that I carry a fork and spoon with me so that I don't have to throw away plasticware? And what kind of a person buys organic granny smith apples, each individually banded with a skinny label that might as well read, "I Think I'm Better Than You"?

In my defense, they were only ten cents more per pound. And I did buy the cheap bread. Even though one of the ingredients was corn syrup.


Flattail Family said...

Way to go! We are trying to get into the habit of taking our reusable shopping bags to the store, but we more often forget than do it. There is nothing wrong with going organic, in our opinion. The more one can do to avoid the nasty toxins that are now so abundant everywhere the better. Buy local as much as you can too--like at the farmer's market. But you may already do that. We'll have to discuss this topic in more detail when we see you in person next time.

Jess said...

Hm, I should remember the fork & spoon thing. I think of those types of things when I'm using disposable flatware, but I forget when I'm at home.

Wiping off the mouse is not a bad idea! I've seen a lady busy cleaning off computer stations at my campus, but it takes her like 2-5 seconds to clean each one, so I always wonder how thorough it is.

Andrea Y. said...

Good for you! Tyler and I are pretty good about taking our reusable bags to the grocery store, but I forget to take them to other stores, like Target, where it is common practice to send you home with as many bags as they possibly can...

Also, I'm loving the picture in my head of you as Niles.. Can I be Frasier? We totally deserve our own sitcom.

Nathan said...

Can I say that cracks me up?