
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wedding Photos: I

I'm studying for the stats midterm I have tomorrow (or maybe, at nearly midnight the night before, this would qualify as cramming), but between z-tests and t-tests, I needed to share some photos. It's the first round of two, I think. I'll post the others soon; for now, I need to get back to my formulas.

Final dress fitting the day before

The rehearsal dinner: My sister, her fiancé, and my grandmother. (One of my cousins who was a bridesmaid--she isn't Mormon--said the best part about the rehearsal dinner was that there was no rehearsal.)

Hair started at 7:30 that morning.

Decorating for the reception started at 8:00.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Aw, congrats to your sister! Great photos, too :) I'm glad things went well enough!!