
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday

The most obscure holiday ever. But a fantastic one.

Because I didn't get an absentee ballot, and because I'm registered to vote in Salt Lake, not in Provo, I didn't think I was going to be able to vote in the primaries yesterday. But my roommate Aubrey mentioned something about going even though she was registered in Logan...and I learned I could vote provisionally! The two of us went down to the polling place. She had time to go look at an apartment while I waited in line--for about an hour and a half. But I made it, by golly, and the two of us voted. And got stickers. When we got back, we told my roommate Jessica (who was registered to vote in Provo) where to go, and she went and did it, too.

Yesterday was also Mardi Gras. I have always wanted to give something up for Lent--and this year is my year. I developed a serious chocolate habit while I was in France that I haven't been able to kick. When I mentioned to Aubrey and Jessica that night that I was going to give up chocolate, they said something to the effect of that being a good idea. Aubrey suggested we watch Chocolat to celebrate Mardi Gras, so the three of us put it on and assembled a pile of chocolate, which we ate until we got sick (or at least I did).

Happy Super Fat Tuesday.


clyteegold@gmail.com said...

Congratulations!! You voted!!

Jess said...

Yay! I voted, too!

I didn't even know it was Mardi Gras until I saw news coverage of it - some college student I am, ha.