I have had a hard time of late staying captivated by my classes. Particularly with all the observing I have been doing for my education class. This is the third week of sitting in on two block-schedule foreign language classes a day at a high school or junior high. The novelty is wearing off a little (though there are always things to learn).
So I have increased my resolve to improve my doodling skills. Here are my best examples.

This is inspired by the necklace my classmate was wearing.

I am also working on fancy handwriting.

I forgot what inspired this one.

This wasn't actually in class, but when I was trying to avoid writing my French paper.
Hmmm...keep posting your doodling so we can see the improvement over time. The third photo reminds me of a Dr. Seuss drawing, but perhaps that's because we read lots of Dr. Seuss currently in our family.
Chronic doodlers unite! I doodle all the time at work, and in my slow US Government class.
I've never doodled on the palm of my hand though - is that highlighter you used for the yellow parts? It looks shnazzy.
Very, very nice. I read a thing on apartment therapy (which you still need to check out) about doodling in black sharpie on white surfaces to make them look really cool. I think your doodles would do it.
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