Saturday was a Young Adults activity with the branch. Guy-Noël, Tarolin, Maïté, Jennifer, and I got to and from Benois’ house on the bus. On the way back though, the bus drove right past the five of us waiting at the bus stop, so we had to walk to another stop to catch a different bus. It was dark and so quiet—hardly any cars went past. Tarolin was so mad that the bus hadn’t stopped, and he walked fast ahead of the rest of us. The moon was full, and huge. It was beautiful.
I don’t like saying goodbye to people. It’s almost easier just not to become friends in the first place. Almost.
I had my last Family Home Evening with the Warenghein family last night. They found me at church my first Sunday here, and have had me over every Monday night since then. They made me feel a lot less island-like while I’ve been here, and after I said goodbye last night, I suddenly felt homeless.
This is where I have been spending my last two weeks, sculpting in Jumièges. Yesterday at the sculpture workshop, Tiffann called me her favorite American. I will miss the people there, too.
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