I've been thinking about how I need to update things...everyone has a blog now, though. It's not quite as cool of a hobby as when I started it. I think that has been part of my delay.
I wanted to get some mission photos up. I wrote a lot about my time as a missionary in my emails that got posted, but there weren't any photos to go along with them! I finally uploaded (most of) my photos, and I pulled out a few to post here. It's a pretty random selection...

In my last area, Suwon, there was a restaurant that had the best kim bap in the world. And by that time, I had eaten a lot of kim bap for lunch or dinner when we were out and about (didn't eat it every day...but pretty close).

A member invited us to his steamed bread shop. These are made with rice flour, I think, and filled with red bean paste. A little tiny shop.

This is in my second area--Anyang stake. Gumcheon District of Seoul. I took the picture at the top floor of an apartment (that was on a hill). We had gone up to the top to start knocking on doors. Take an elevator to the top, then walk down, a floor at a time, knocking on all the doors... (I knocked on so many doors)

A threesome! Last area, I'm on the right, then Sister Choi (pronounced "chay") and Sister West. It was a holiday, and the missionaries had a sports get-together thing.

While I was in my second area, a bunch of missionaries got together on a Preparation Day and biked along the Han River. It was such a beautiful day.